Peru – MTC, announces the criteria regarding the TAC requirement for homologation applications
The document informs marketers and users in general of telecommunications equipment, in order to promote the strengthening of the market in the commercialization of telecommunications equipment and devices, of the revision of the homologation regulations regarding the...
MEXICO 16-02-2023 IFT classifies the 5925-6425 MHz band as free spectrum
The Plenary of the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) determined, in its IV ordinarsessionson of 2023, the following: The identification as free spectrum of the 5925-6425 MHz segment, which is part of the band internationally known as the 6 GHz Band, will...
MEXICO 04-02-2022 Changes Conformity Assessment Procedure for Telecommunications Equipment
Changes Conformity Assessment Procedure for Telecommunications Equipment The Mexican Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) has recently revised the Conformity Assessment Procedure in the field of telecommunications and broadcasting equipment. Revised document was...